Additional Responsibilities

Additional Responsibilities

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Additional Elder Responsibilities


  1. Duty Elders –
  • Scheduled a month at a time
  • Meet in the church office and count money from offering after morning worship
  • Always 2 elders for each month
  • Someone had to take the deposit to the bank and leave in the night deposit
  • Make copies of the checks for the offering.
  • Please be sure you can read the check numbers and who signed the checks from the copies you make. These checks are entered into the Church Tracking system to be able to provide our members and guests with a financial statement for EOY tax filing.
  •  If you won’t be attending on the Sunday that you are a duty elder, please contact the other elders to let them know.
  1. Fellowship Host
  • Meet at the church at least 30 minutes (or how long you deem necessary) and prepare the serving tables for the fellowship meal.
  • Help our members any way possible as they come thru the serving line.
  • Clean up after the meal. This means washing the dishes, putting up all church utensils, and leaving the church cleaner than you found it.


  1. Elder of the Month
  • Prepare devotion at the monthly session meeting
  • Be prepared to visit hospital/sick members of the congregation with a pastor
  • Help Pastor or other elders with anything that is needed during this month